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欄目: 小製作 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.37W
hello,原創 第2張
hello,原創 第3張
hello,原創 第4張
3) Your projects are centered around children. What do you love about designing for kids? Do you have any tips for parents to inspire creativity in children?I have a sneaky suspicion that the reason I design well for kids is that I'm just a big kid myself. I find pleasure in really simple things - the feel of clay beneath my fingers, the spider webs on the branches, a colorful composition, a good story. For me, it's all about discovery (and escapism) - and I find when my daughter and I discover things together, that can turn into a creative moment. The other thing - and this one's hard for me - is to stop trying to control the outcome. That's true in my own creative work (serendipity helps make the best things!), but it's most important when my daughter is creating something. Kidsenjoy their creative mojo most when they get to direct their own creativity - without grown-ups mucking it up.4) What's in store for Smallful? We can't wait to see more!Me too! I have so many ideas, and I'm worried I won't get them all ready in time for the holidays! Right now I'm planning an advent calendar or two, a couple of Thanksgiving decorations,more Willow the Paper Doll sets, Some small stocking stuffer paper toys, Christmas ornaments, and a couple of other things if I find the time. I'm hoping to get some calendars done for the new year too. And next year? Oh, there's so much in my head just waiting. If you sign up for the Small Set Newsletter,you'll get a heads up as soon as products arrive (and some secret freebies too)

Thanks for stopping by Mari and congrats on the launch! My kids and I had tons of fun with the printablesand I was seriously impressed with the quality of the designs and details.

Take a look at Smallfulfor their fun collection of playful printables.
